
The white beard guy

Life is a journey and with every turn taken one becomes a better version of oneself.  Various ways of tackling problems ends up being a part of the manual of life. Yesterday my grandfather handed over a book to me. The book that defines his course of life. He is an avid reader and a keen writer. The pages of the book are filled with his sweet- bitter experiences. He has a curious mind, so as a child he had asked his mother about his forefathers. But unfortunately he couldn’t gather much information about them.  Due to which he came up with this idea to pen down his journey so that the coming generation would have an overall idea about their previous generation. It’s like why should we only learn history of emperors when we can track down the history of our ancestors.  That would be much more interesting to study. My grandpa has even made a family tree, one can refer to that for further details. I’m in love with the very concept. It helps in filling the void between two generations.  We always love our grandparents for two reasons grandmas delicious food and bedtime stories. Now this is one interesting thing that added on to the love. Whiter the beard wiser the man. Generation gap clearly disappears while discussing  such topics.

2 thoughts on “The white beard guy

  1. It’s damn true that old is gold….so does our grandparents for this moment… touching instance almost happened similar thing with me but the narration through words have made rippled my memories…. Thanks 😊

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